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Resultados da busca para "gânglio linfático"

a) Traduções Técnicas português para inglês


Outras denominações em Português nódulo linfático


Qualquer um dos pequenos corpos situados ao longo dos vasos linfáticos, particularmente no pescoço, axilas e virilhas, que filtram as bactérias e as partículas estranhas do fluido linfático.


One of many small oval structures that filter the lymph, fight infection, and in which there are formed white blood cells and blood plasma cells. Lymph nodes are of different sizes, some as small as pinheads, others as large as beans. Each node is enclosed in a fibrous capsule, is composed of a lighter-colored outer portion and a darker inner portion, and consists of closely packed white cells (lymphocytes), connective tissue, and lymph pathways (

Frases traduzidas contendo "gânglio linfático"