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Resultados da busca para "bite angle"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português


Outras denominações em Português ângulo de mordida


In the context of organic chemistry, the bite angle refers to the angle between two adjacent ligands in a coordination complex around a central metal atom. This angle is important in coordination chemistry as it influences the reactivity and stability of the complex.


In machining and cutting tool terminology, the bite angle is the angle formed between the cutting edge of a tool and the workpiece during a cutting operation. It plays a role in determining the efficiency and performance of the cutting tool.

Sinônimos Inglês angle of bite; angle of nip;


An obtainable angle which is its maximum and is between the first contact of metal and the radius of the roll, it joins the opposing rolls and the centres of them, when metal is rolled. (http://thesciencedictio...)


Frases traduzidas contendo "bite angle"