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Resultados da busca para "atropisomer"

a) Traduções técnicas inglês para português



Atropoisômero é uma subclasse de isômeros conformacionais, o qual pode ser isolado comoespécie química pura e que surge de uma rotação restrita de uma ligação simples (geralmentedevido a substituintes muito volumosos).


Atropisomers are a type of stereoisomer that occurs in chiral molecules with hindered rotation around a specific single bond. They exist as distinct, stable conformations due to the restricted rotation, leading to different spatial arrangements of atoms. Atropisomers are a form of enantiomers and are a result of conformational isomerism. They are relatively common in molecules with certain functional groups that create steric hindrance or electronic effects. Understanding atropisomerism is important in various fields, including organic chemistry, drug development, and material science, as it can influence molecular behavior and properties.

Frases traduzidas contendo "atropisomer"